A "Band Mom" Tribute
In the spring of 1960, Frances ‘Ma’ Gibson opened her home to a group of fledgling teen musicians in need of a place to practice their craft. In all the years of rehearsal that followed, her refrigerator was always open and curfew was only announced after practice was done. Tuesdays and Thursdays usually found neighbors crowded around her basement windows to watch and listen. Often a red ambulance or a black hearse full of musical equipment sat in front of her house for weeks. Many evenings she would sit up until the wee hours to make sure everyone returned safely from an out of town engagement. Only when each member was in his car and headed home would she retire to bed, only to rise early for work.
When it came time for the first recording, we realized the band needed a name change. ‘The Monarchs’ she suggested …and the rest is history. It is widely believed that ‘Ma’ has attended more Monarch performances than any other loyal fan, and that she has far outpaced everyone in her prideful vocal support of the music and “her band.”
Many of the members and friends she has touched throughout the years have asked to be included in this loving tribute. They include the co-founders Mike Gibson (lead vocalist) and Dusty Miller (bass guitar), Leon Middleton (saxophone) , Sharon Preher (early years vocalist) ,Dick Snider (drums), George Owen (piano), Bobby Lange(baritone), Jimmy Smith (tenor), Louie Lange (bass), Jim Wells (tenor), Don Leffler (guitar), Bill Haswell (guitar), Ernie Donnell (guitar), Paul Schuler (trumpet), Marty Williams (bass guitar), Tim Coy (guitar), Tim Hughes (saxophone), Richard Keith (saxophone), Nick Druga (saxophone), Butch Kaufman (lead vocalist), Bob Benson (attorney), Ken Roberts (CPA), Milt Williams(fan club president), Billy Reed (author), Hardy Martin and Ray Allen (booking agent).
It is said from the bandstand when she comes to a performance: “Ladies and Gentlemen would you give a warm round of applause for our 88 years young BAND MOM, Ms. Frances Gibson! As long as she continues to come, we promise to continue to perform! "
It is with gratitude and affection on this 25th Day of December 2010 that we say thanks to her from the bottom of our hearts. She was there yesterday for us 50 years ago when the music began. She’s here for us today, and will be here tomorrow for many years to come.